Thursday, June 4, 2009

tuesday the 2nd june 2009..
what a harmony day
hari niy klas critical thinking mmg gempak abis dgn kehadiran sorg mamt niy..
die dh anggap diri die cam the coolest and charming guys in!!!..
it jz f*.K B*%LS$#T!!!..poser trbek dlm century yg penh aku jmpe it was f*%k imposter what a waster..
aku n dak2 cniy mmg nek yirap n nyampah ngan dak niy dr awal ag
dak niy mmg totally out la cz show off and feel cool bout it..
ok2 that day was
happen when the lect. gives us some task then present it at the same times..bout critical thinking la..
den when the clock were ticking out of times..
the lect. try to pick up someone to present, then what jz happen we bunch of bad groupies hahaha...
i cant believe i jz call us bad group..
ok we'll call this cool guy name..
all clapping and cheering him to come up we thought that this might teach him how to be matured..
abis sang dak niy kn bahan ngan kami smua..
cam2 ah kn reject mmg xleh bla ah sial..
hahahah..trbek die cool cam xphm2 kn
reject tebal muka ko
but we were this guy was went wrong..he doesnt have any source to talk bout the critical thinking..
so it was f*%k ruin himself...hahahaha gud sake for u...
but then he suddenly stood up n telling us a creap thing bout being poser..hahahaha..
told u!!!
he feed us bout story on how he become so like "famous" in this world especially in this college...bloody shamble!!!!!....aduh!!!!..perasaan la mamat niy siyes..
den he tell us that he was screen play on 1 drama..teenages most famous drama KAMI the series...and he bet that we'll seen that drama...
hahhaah..but us jz reply that we never seen that play and never like that scene..
wakakakakak...what a jerk
he try prove again making up to himself..hahahha..he said that "my family especilly my parent dont encourage him to join any pop world"..hahahahh we'll laughing all the way f*% u la!!!...and he said again "my grany have left the pop world long b4 the time"..hahahah what a shame kiss my a$# fool....
oi!!! come la ko jz dpt scene brape saat jewk dlm cher to..
xyah ah nk up lebih cam ko dh dpt grammy...adeuh!!!
sgguh lolx kamu!!!
muke die hampeh abis..tebal semacam cam xde perasaan jewk aw aku tgk die...
hahahaha....this what i gonna comment bout it from deep of my heart....u are jz such a poser and plz make urself clear bout something that u wanna show off cz it might embrace u n ur colour..
and u might have grammy off the year cz being poser.!!!!!
ko xyah ah nk show off sgt la...
org nyampah
dont be f*$king show off!!!

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